Expert IRS Tax Lawyers Are Helping Business Owners with Legal Tax Issues

by | Dec 10, 2021 | Lawyer

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Business owners often neglect to pay close attention to the tax laws that can change often it seems. This can set the business owner up for strict tax penalties that may be considered criminal cases depending on each unique tax case error or amount not paid according to the IRS. Learn how expert Chicago IRS tax lawyers are helping business owners with their legal tax issues.

Types of Potential IRS Tax Law Issues Explained

A number of conditions can cause an unsuspecting business owner to fall into trouble with the IRS. Types of common IRS tax law problems include:

• payroll tax issues
• preventing or stopping ordered tax levies
• tax settlements using compromise offers
• the prevention, releasing and withdrawing of tax liens
• defending clients accused of a variety of tax crimes
• helping clients prepare and face upcoming tax audits
• other tax-related issues.

Why Having a Reliable & Experienced Tax Lawyer Is Crucial

Many larger businesses generate a large amount of money or property that is worth a lot and is taxable by the Internal Revenue Service. Even smaller businesses can quickly get into hot water should they make even a small tax-related error as most do not have the necessary clout or funds to put towards tax debt. Not taking care of these issues early on can result in increased fines and other tax penalties that may include jail or probation in some cases.

Where to Find Chicago IRS Tax Lawyers

Contact North Suburban Legal Services LLC at

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