Factors to Consider Before Settling on Cremation in Atlantic Highlands

by | Feb 15, 2017 | Funeral Services

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The decision to make end-of-life arrangements now rather than leaving those decisions in the hands of loved ones is commendable. Some would say that taking the time to plan for the inevitable is one of the kindest things anyone can do for a family. While the arrangements for the memorial service and the estate planning went forward with ease, there is one decision left to make. Would burial be preferred or would planning for a Cremation Atlantic Highlands be best? Here are some points to ponder before making that decision.

Personal Beliefs

Many people find their personal beliefs play a major role in deciding whether a cremation Atlantic Highlands is appropriate or if burial is the best choice. When the beliefs of the individual and those of the family tend to discourage cremation, it may be a good idea to talk with a member of the clergy before making a final choice. It may turn out the objections to cremation are more along the lines of tradition rather than dogma. When that is the case, the individual may find choosing cremation is not, in fact, at odds with those personal beliefs.

Anticipating Family Objections

Think about what type of objections family members would have about the cremation. Would they feel as if this approach would not allow them a place to go and pay their respects in the years to come? If so, remind them that the urn with the ashes can still be placed in the family crypt or even placed in a small vault in the family plot. Thinking about possible objections and identifying ways to defuse them will provide the individual with a chance to decide if cremation is the right decision.

Weighing the Costs

Many people choose cremation based on the cost factor. There’s no doubt that the cremation proper along with the purchase of an urn is more affordable than most traditional burials. If the individual would prefer the family not go into debt to pay for an elaborate coffin, grave, and headstone, cremation is a wise choice.

Visit the website and learn more about what is involved with cremation and the selection of an urn. It won’t take long to make the choices and finalize the arrangements. Once the details are settled, make sure a trusted loved one has access to the arrangements and will ensure they are honored.

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