Facts About Dental Implants

by | Feb 18, 2022 | Dentist

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Missing teeth create challenges in chewing, speaking, and having confidence in your smile. Gaps in the teeth can also cause surrounding teeth to shift, which can cause other dental problems.

One of the most effective ways for people to address the issue of missing teeth is with dental implants in Newport Beach. These are permanent replacement teeth that are anchored into the jawbone just like real teeth. Unlike bridges, they do not attach to the surrounding teeth, eliminating the problem with many bridges.

Am I A Good Candidate?

Most people in Newport Beach are good candidates for dental implants. The dentist will schedule a consultation to determine if there are any issues that could cause problems with healing or fusing of the post to the jaw.

The dentist will also repair any other dental problems before completing the implant. The implant process will take a few months and three or more trips to the dentist to complete.

The Process

The dentist will implant a titanium post into the jaw at the first appointment. This is covered by a temporary crown. At the same time, a mold is taken of the teeth, allowing a natural shape for the final crown.

After the jawbone has fused to the post, which typically takes two or more months, the final crown is attached permanently to the post. These dental implants are as strongly rooted and secure as the natural teeth surrounding the implant.

If you live in Newport Beach and are struggling with missing teeth, make an appointment at Smrecek Dentistry to discuss dental implants. Schedule online at petersmrecekdds.com.

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