401 K retirement plan is a no-brainer when it comes to preparing for your future. These accounts eliminate all of the hardest parts of saving money. It grows over time with little to no effort from you and can even save you money on your taxes.
Tax Benefits
The main reason many people take advantage of 401 K plans is the money it saves on taxes. Your contribution to the plan is taken out of your paycheck before the taxes are deducted. This reduces your gross income and lowers your taxable income. You also don’t pay taxes on the money it generates. You won’t pay any taxes until you withdraw your funds.
Save Automatically
It’s difficult to set aside money regularly. With a 401 K plan, the money is set aside for you automatically. If you never see it, you won’t miss it. Instead of the money being spent, it is placed into a savings account for you.
Employer Matching
If you’re lucky enough to have an employer that will match your contributions up to a certain point, that’s even more money in your pocket. The more they add, the less you need to set aside for retirement. It’s free money. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
Retirement may seem far away, but that is exactly why you need to open a 401 K retirement plan now. The longer it has to grow, the more money you’ll have when you finally reach that wonderful stage of life.