Finding the Best Tree Service in Fairfield, Connecticut

by | Jul 22, 2014 | Business

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Tree service in Fairfield, Connecticut involves a lot of work including pruning and trimming. A well pruned tree has the potential of living longer as well as retaining its pleasant natural appearance. Tree pruning and trimming encourages the circulation of air, which helps to reduce disease occurrences and the possibility of wind damage. Another reason why tree service is being practiced is that it helps to remove unhealthy and dangerous limbs that might fail to function in harsh weather. The exercise of pruning and trimming of shade trees should regularly be done although some species require a specific period of time before carrying out the exercise.

Other than trimming and pruning, removal of organic matter and fallen leaves is also one of the common northeast horticultural services. This is normally experienced in a wooded environment where shrubs and trees thrive naturally in the rich forest soil. All this debris is not thrown away. Instead, everything is recycled and used as organic manure to help the same trees thrive. Application of tree fertilizer is yet another tree service in Fairfield, Connecticut. Tree fertilization is one way of replacing nutrients to the plants as well as improving resistance to any damage or occurrence that may result from diseases, stressful weather and insects. This process also helps the trees expand their root systems, hence allowing better anchorage and general vitality.

Shrubs are very difficult to deal with especially when trying to bring them to a better standard. This is why it requires a professional shrub attendant to carry out the pruning exercise. These specialists are capable of accommodating the physiological needs of the plant and give it a desired aesthetic appearance. One major error experienced in shrub pruning is concentrating much on the exterior surface of the shrub. Note that depriving of the inner structure of the shrub will interfere with the sufficient absorption of light that helps to support photosynthesis in the plant. This is a syndrome that may affect the lifespan of the plant. When a shrub is pruned naturally, it stands a chance to grow healthy and strong. Northeast Horticultural Services is dedicated to ensuring your trees remain healthy with a natural attractive look.

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