Five Reasons to Hire a Social Security Attorney

by | May 2, 2019 | Lawyer

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Nearly 2.2 million people applied for disability in 2017, according to the latest available data from the Social Security Administration, and about 35 percent won their cases. If you have a disability and want to apply for disability insurance through Social Security, you’re much better off hiring an attorney to help you. Here’s why.

Help With Paperwork

Although you’ll be submitting various forms periodically throughout the process, the initial filing must be completed accurately or you risk getting your case disqualified. With Social Security Attorneys in Kansas City, you’ll have someone who can walk you through the paperwork, usually over the phone. The forms will then be sent to the appropriate party at the Social Security office for review.

Less Stress

Filing for disability can create a lot of anxiety and stress. Since your disability attorney knows the procedures and laws, he can help ease your mind about the process. For example, he may tell you that your odds of winning are greater if your 50 years of age or older.

Recommend Special Tests or Forms

Social Security Attorneys Kansas City may recommend that you have your doctor fill out special medical forms to help you win your case. This can be helpful if you have an autoimmune disease that’s not as widely recognized by the mainstream medical world.

Assist You at Hearing

Your Social Security attorney can recommend how you dress and act in a disability hearing. He can also counter what the vocational expert says about your ability to work. For example, the vocational expert may mention five jobs you could do, but your attorney would strike those ideas down based on your medical records and physical or mental capabilities.

Increase Chances of Winning

Social Security attorneys in Kansas City can better help you win your case. They know disability laws and how to win arguments for you in court.

Grundy Disability Group LLC has been helping people win disability cases for over 12 years — and their legal team can help you win, too.

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