If you are considering a teeth whitening procedure with your dentist to shine up those pearly whites, there are certain things you should know before making a final decision. With any medical or dental procedure, side effects can occur, it is temporary, isn’t for everyone and will depend on your mouth. While it can make you feel better about yourself and give you a dazzling smile, it’s important to look at the whole picture.
Side Effects
Though most people don’t think about it, whitening your smile can have some side effects. Most are gone within 24 hours but can still be annoying to deal with, especially if you have big plans the next day. Sensitivity, irritation and nausea can all occur. Mainly, sensitivity and irritation occur when the gel touches the gums and can be dealt with by using OTC pain relievers. Nausea or vomiting can happen when you ingest slight amounts of the gel.
The process is only a temporary cure for stained teeth and it may take multiple sessions with your dentist to get your smile as white as you want it. Most patients see results for up to three years and follow-up or touch-up treatments aren’t as costly.
Not For Everyone
As with everything, this procedure isn’t for everyone. Lactating or pregnant women should avoid the treatment because it uses harsh chemicals. Those with allergies or sensitivity to peroxide should also avoid the treatment. The treatment is also not a good idea for those with worn enamel or cavities, which is why a check-up is usually required before the treatment.
Results Not Typical
Take a good look in the mirror at your teeth right now. You may imagine the process of taking an eraser to the teeth and removing all the stains, but that isn’t what happens. Those that take good care of their teeth usually see better results than those who have neglected their oral care.
Too Much of a Good Thing
While it is nice to know that you have options available, too much teeth whitening can be a bad thing. Think about all those Hollywood stars that look grotesque because of their plastic surgery escapades. The same can happen with tooth whitener treatment by damaging the teeth permanently. It can also weaken the teeth and create a translucent look.