Flip Flops vs. Sandals

by | Dec 10, 2015 | Shopping

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While it may sound surprising, a lot of people actually have very little idea of what the differences are between flip flops and sandals. In many cases, an individual may actually use the terms interchangeably as a type of shoe that does not entirely cover the foot.

Here is a look at some of the major differences between flip flops and sandals to help you make a better decision about which one is best for you:

Flip Flops

Flip flops are generally made with a strap that allows you to keep the shoe on by putting it in between your toes. They are very easy to put on and come in a wide variety of different types. There are also several types of designs used when making them, which include wholesale rhinestone flip flops.

One of the major disadvantages for flip flops is that many people actually find them to be uncomfortable. While this can be the case in some instances, it should be noted that higher quality flip flops can be just as or even more comfortable to wear than sandals.


Sandals generally only feature a large strap that is actually placed above your toes. They are considered to be more comfortable than flip flops because they are more likely to fit snuggly on your foot. Flip flops, especially those that are designed for decoration like wholesale rhinestone flip flops, will produce a smacking sound when walking as the heel separates from the shoe.

The main disadvantage of sandals is that they are usually more expensive than flip flops. Because they provide a more cushy feeling and are made with more padding, the extra material leads to additional costs.

The Final Word

As you probably already know, both flip flops and sandals can be damaging to your feet if they are worn for extended periods of time. The lack of support that each provide can lead to issues with the ankles and knees while there is also a good chance that a rash will develop. Overall, however, they are both a great option if you are looking for some footwear to use in a variety of different casual situations. Online stores like E-Best Choice have a strong selection of affordable flip flops to choose from.

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