Many people have an idea of what a bail bond agent does on a daily basis, but their preconceived notions are based mostly on television and movies. Most do not have an accurate idea about a Bail Bond Agent in Upper Marlboro, MD until they or a loved one have been arrested and are in need of a bail bond. Continue reading to learn more about the bail bond process.
What Is a Bail Bond Agent?
Simply put, a bail bond agent is an individual that promised to be responsible for the debt of another. The bonding agent pledges to provide the bail to the court, which helps to ensure that a defendant will return for their court obligations when he or she is released from police custody. The defendant or their loved ones will be required to pay a percentage of the set bail amount to the agent and likely will need to provide some sort of collateral, such as real estate.
What Are Their Job Duties?
Bail bond agencies generally have two types of positions: a bail bond agent and bounty hunters. The bonding agent takes the financial risk by paying the bond to the court. If a defendant fails to meet their obligations, the posted bail is forfeited. Bond agents hire bounty hunters to track down defendants to get them to satisfy their court obligations and to avoid losing their bond investment.
How Is the Bail Amount Determined?
Bail is set by the assigned judge, and the amounts can vary based on the seriousness of the crime, the likelihood the defendant may try to flee, and the defendant’s criminal history. While the U.S. Constitution prevents excessive bail, it is possible for a defendant to be held without bail.
What Are the Types of Bail Bonds?
Generally speaking, bail bonds fall into three categories: general, federal and immigration. Bail bond agents are not required to offer all three of the bail bond options. The most common bail bonds are general bail bonds, which are for individuals charged in most state courts. Federal bonds would be for defendants charged in Federal Court. Immigration bonds are offered for those looking to be released from an immigration detention facility.
What If You Have More Questions?
Visit us to learn more about what a bail bond agent in Upper Marlboro, MD does or to begin the bond process for a defendant currently held in jail.