If you have fine lines and wrinkles on your face, you may want to consider visiting a qualified specialist for wrinkle treatment in Tucson. Below you’ll discover frequently asked questions about this type of procedure.
Q.) What can be used to help reduce wrinkles in the face?
A.) Dermal fillers are commonly used to plump up fine lines and wrinkles in the face. This Wrinkle Treatment is performed by injecting a filler into the muscles that are responsible for the lines and wrinkles that appear in your face.
Q.) How many treatments are necessary to reduce the wrinkles?
A.) The number of treatments you receive will depend on the amount of wrinkles and lines that are visible on your face. Other considerations include how you want the final results to look. Before you begin your treatments, a qualified specialist will develop a customized treatment plan that will outline your treatment schedule.
Q.) Are there any special instructions to follow before having a dermal filler treatment?
A.) A specialist will give you a manual with any special instructions for you to follow before your treatment. These may include not consuming any alcoholic drinks at least 72 hours before your treatment. You may have some bruising after the treatment and if you have alcohol in your system, it can make you more susceptible to bruising. If you take a prescription medicine to thin your blood, you should avoid taking the medication for at least four days before your treatment. Speak to your doctor to get an approval before you stop taking any type of prescription medication.
Q.) How long does it take for a specialist to give a wrinkle treatment?
A.) The length of time that it takes to complete your treatment will vary depending on how many injections your specialist recommends. A specialist who performs your Wrinkle Treatment in Tucson can give you a treatment in about 15 to 30 minutes.
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