Individuals who find themselves needing cash in a hurry can get the money they need by selling their gold jewelry and other items for quick cash. A pawn shop is the place to go when individuals need money fast, even when their credit is horrible. To learn more information about the process of selling gold and jewelry for money to Gold buyers Elmhurst area pawn dealers, read the questions and answers below.
Q.) What is the difference between selling gold for cash and getting a collateral loan?
A.) Individuals who don’t want their gold items back can just sell them to a gold buyer for cash on the spot. People who want to eventually get their gold items back have the opportunity to get a collateral loan. With this type of loan, the pawn broker pays a certain cash price to sellers for the gold pieces. The sellers will then be responsible for paying off the loan, plus the interest that’s charged on the loan before they can get their gold items back. This option works well for individuals who need money in a hurry and who can pay back the loan within the month.
Q.) What kinds of gold jewelry or items can a person take to a pawn broker for quick cash?
A.) Any type of gold jewelry is acceptable including necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings. Even if the gold jewelry is broken or old, individuals can still sell it to a pawn shop. The price that’s paid for each gold piece will vary depending on the amount of real gold that in the piece. Other jewelry items commonly sold to Gold Buyers in Elmhurst area pawn dealers include diamonds, platinum, silver and real gem stones. Individuals can even bring in luxury watches for a collateral loan or to sell for cash.
RJ Jewelry and Loan Company offers collateral loans and cash loans for their customers. Individuals can even trade their valuable merchandise for items that are available for sale inside the store.