Frequently Asked Questions of an Adoptions Lawyer in Murrieta

by | Jul 21, 2015 | Lawyers

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An Adoptions Lawyer in Murrieta often hears the same questions over and over again. These questions revolve around the adoption process and involve everything from questions about how one may adopt to the financial aspects of an adoption. Although every prospective parent needs to know these answers, many have questions that are more specific. For this reason, any prospective adoptive parent should take the time to do research and obtain the basic facts prior to meeting with an Adoptions Lawyer in Murrieta. Following are some of these questions.

What is Adoption?

Adoption is a process in which the parental rights of a child are assigned to non-biological parents through the legal system. The child becomes a permanent member of the adoptive family and the adoptive parents care for and guide the child as he or she grows and develops.

What Types of Adoptions Are Available?

Independent adoptions are an option for those who wish to bring a child into their home. The parent or parents relinquishing the child choose the adoptive parents, and the birth parents must take certain steps before the process is complete, such as meeting with an adoption service provider and signing a legal agreement to relinquish rights to the child. An agency adoption is one in which a state or private agency puts a child for adoption following the relinquishment of parental rights by the birth parents or when parental rights are legally terminated. Intercountry adoptions allow individuals to adopt a child from another country and involve the granting of a special immigration entry visa. Visit website to learn more.

How Much Does It Cost to Adopt a Child?

Fees vary greatly based on the type of adoption selected. One may pay an application fee, legal fees, background check fees and more. Individuals need to speak to various providers to learn what fees will be assessed. In addition, the state does place a cap on certain fees, but these only apply to public agencies, not private providers.

Is Financial Assistance Available?

Many individuals hesitate to adopt as they worry about finances, especially when a special needs child is involved. Many foster children remain eligible for financial assistance and certain medical coverage following an adoption, thus prospective adoptive parents need to speak to the agency handling the adoption or an attorney to determine if a child qualifies for this aid.

Contact the Law Office for more information on adoptions and the process involved.

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