Known for its humid subtropical climate, Ballina is home to a variety of residential and commercial pests. Among others, ants are one of the most prevalent, and will quickly chew their way through your walls and wallet alike.
Like most pests, ants will stop at nothing on their quest to find food. Particularly keen of kitchens and pantries, ants will contaminate any products that they can access, and have the potential to spread bacteria and other harmful pathogens in their wake. Unfortunately, their voracious appetites are an equal match for even the most well-intentioned of DIY attempts to exterminate them.
Unfortunately, certain species of ants will do more than just eat. Especially for those who are allergic, bites will be painful, and can lead to swelling and irritation. Because it is difficult to distinguish between species (especially for the untrained eye), naïve home owners often purchase the wrong type of treatment, resulting in unnecessary costs and increasing damage as ants continue to thrive unabated.
For pest control that is both safe and effective, only a trusted provider of preventative treatment and proactive strategies will be able to rid your home of ants once and for all. Prompt attention and regular maintenance are critical, as is the expert eye of a local pest control team. For the best in Ballina pest control, contact the seasoned team at Flick Pest Control Ballina today.