Full Facelift Surgery – All You Need To Know

by | Mar 6, 2018 | Cosmetic Surgery, Surgery

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Aging affects the overall quality of the skin. To give it an extra boost and to make skin look younger, facelift surgery is a good cosmetic procedure that will surely increase your self-confidence. If you prefer to undergo this type of surgery, it is important that you know what it is and what you can expect from it.

Are you a good candidate for a full facelift procedure? Ideal candidates are those who have a strong bone structure that can give support in order to have desirable results. If your skin has flexibility and is still supple, you are a good candidate. This is important during the procedure for successful healing. You must also have realistic expectations. Any cosmetic procedure has its respective limitations. Prior to finally having a facelift, it is strongly recommended that you consult with your Orange County doctor to get the information that you need. Get to know more about the procedure.

The Cost of a Facelift

The cost of having a facelift will depend on different factors. There are basically different kinds of facelift that are designed to meet the varying needs of patients. A full facelift will definitely cost more compared to a mini facelift. The former also takes much longer whereas mini facelift only has small incisions. Another factor that affects the cost is the kind of anesthesia used. If the doctor uses full sedation, the cost is much more expensive. Other factors that affect the cost include techniques used, additional treatments, surgeon’s reputation and skills, and even location.

What to Expect in a Full Facelift

To get comprehensive results, many prefer to have a full facelift. With this kind of facelift procedure, the surgeon works on the deep creases in your eyes, sagging skin, lines in the mouth, excess skin in your jowls, and much more. Compared to other types of a facelift, it covers a much bigger area. And since it treats a much larger area, the procedure also requires having a long incision. A full facelift is one of the top choices among individuals in the 50 to 60 age group.

With the use of a local anesthesia, facelift surgery is performed. Depending on the case of the patient, some doctors may use general anesthesia. This is usually used during intensive procedures. The kind of anesthesia used will determine how long the procedure will take. Every patient reacts differently to anesthesia. So, make sure that you talk to your surgeon about potential risks.

After the procedure, you will still have to go to follow up appointments to monitor the process. If there are signs of any complication, you should tell your doctor right away. Keep in mind that it takes weeks for you to see this procedure. Contact My Look, for Board certified surgeon Dr. Taneja in California. You can also follow them on Instagram for more updates.

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