When considering a new furnace for your home, look for extraordinary control options and the highest energy efficiency capabilities. You will want perfect humidity control, a system for purifying air, the latest heat technology and digital thermostats that will allow you to be in control of your home heating processes.
A furnace should have up to a 97.4% AFUE rating which is nearly perfect in today’s technological environment. A new furnace system should have humidity control options and air purifying control. These features will create a customized environment for your family’s health and comfort. Thermostats are available which will provide zone heating, humidity and air quality controls, and all of these features by remote control. The AFU rating identifies how much of the energy you supply to the furnace is used to provide heat. A 97.4% is exceptional, because this means that less than 3% goes up the chimney. Sabre Heating and Air Conditioning can explain this rating and relate it to products.
With the number of new furnace options available today, it is important to select the right one for your home. Furnace replacement in Maple Grove can arrange for a heating engineer to visit your home and evaluate it for the kind of furnace required. He will be looking at your home’s construction to determine insulation quality, window construction and any draft potential at the doors. The glass in the windows is important also because certain types of glass will allow cold air into the home thereby increasing the cost of heating. He will look at the insulation in the attic since this is a buffer against the cold air which can be allowed in by poor insulation. The overall objective is to calculate your home’s heating requirements (Btu/hr). Furnace replacement in Maple Grove can perform this difficult but important task to get the right furnace. A yellow Energy Guide label is required on all new furnaces. This label provides valuable information on the efficiency of the furnace.
The duct work should be examined and any leaks should be sealed with a metal tape. Ducts in teh attic should be re-routed if possible. Many other aspects of the home furnace system are important for the heating engineer to consider and some of these will only be discovered as he reviews your home. For example a crawl spcae that is not encapsulated will make the home colder and more costly to heat.Click here to know more.