A home heating system has to be checked and regular maintenance carried out so as to increase its life span and reduce the chances of unexpected breakdowns. Although breakdowns are never that predictable, it is very important to ensure that proper measures are taken so as to prevent them from occurring in future. This involves calling a furnace service to come over to your house and inspect the heating systems so as to perform maintenance on its basic components as well as perform inspection of the system to determine any area that is likely to cause problems in the near future.
There are a number of things a furnace service technician does so as to ensure that your system is in top condition to combat the cold weather. These are part of the basic maintenance services that are recommended for heating systems. They involve
* Checking the system for leaks. For gas heated furnaces, leaks in the system can cause expensive losses due to unused gas leaking out into the air. Gas leaks can easily be detected since the smell of gas is easy to identify. Leaks are very risky hazards that can cause fires if not dealt with. The heating contractor can deal with such a problem by sealing all the gas leaks using the different techniques including use of the blow torch on the metallic pipes.
* Thermostat testing is a crucial part of heating furnace repair. It is the thermostat that tells the system when to start or stop the heating process; it should therefore be in proper working order at all times so as to prevent premature switching off of the furnace or overworking it. The furnace service Skokie technician will test the thermostat to ensure that it is in working order. Any problems found in it are sorted out and if repair is not possible replacement is carried out.
* Air filter replacement is equally important when it comes to care and maintenance of heating furnaces. The furnace service technicians should ensure that all filters are replaced according to the manufacturer’s recommendation in order to prevent in effectiveness of the system caused by clogged up systems. All filters are replaced with the same time for proper functioning of the system.
* Furnace repair also includes replacing blown up pilot lamps. It is the pilot lamps that help indicate whether the system is on or off, faulty pilot lamps can cause one to thing the system or part of it is not running. They are therefore required to be in a proper condition order at all times.
Other maintenance practices carried out by the furnace service Skokie include care of the motor and its tension belts. These are all the importance procedures that heating contractors carryout to ensure proper working of your heating systems.
Have your furnace repaired for home health and quality of life. Contact your local furnace company Elite HVACs Heating & Air to repair, replacement, maintenance and furnace installation services in Skokie.