Gain Important Information on Implant Dentistry in Las Vegas

by | Aug 5, 2015 | Dentistry

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Many people have smiles they are not proud to show. When someone is missing a portion of their teeth, they try to hide their smile as much as possible. Over the years, many advancements have been made in dental science. From the old dentures that looked embarrassingly fake to the partials that could replace some teeth, there is now Implant Dentistry Las Vegas. Implant dentistry focuses on helping people overcome their missing teeth by replacing them permanently. These teeth restore a person’s smile so they can regain their normal function.

If a person wants to learn more about Implant Dentistry Las Vegas, they first need to schedule a consultation. Consultation appointments allow a dentist to examine the patient to see what type of work would need to be done to permanently replace their missing teeth. If the dentist finds the patient is a good candidate for the procedure, the first part of the process will involve the placement of the metal anchor. Click here to learn more.

Titanium is the metal of choice for metal anchors because it is the only metal that bone will accept and grow around. Once the bone tissue has fully covered the anchor, it becomes embedded in bone and strong enough to hold the crown of the implant tooth and offer normal chewing and biting function. Unfortunately, bone growth is much slower than other cells in the body, so it takes around three to six months to be complete. Through this period of time, the dentist will continue to monitor his patient so the next phase can begin as soon as bonding is complete.

The crown portion of the implant is the tooth part that is seen above the gum tissue. This snaps over the top of the anchor and the two pieces become one piece. Once the tooth has been assembled, a person’s smile looks completely natural, and they are able to eat the foods they once could not.

Those who are interested in Implant Dentistry Las Vegas should browse website at Desert Breeze Dental in Las Vegas. They offer smile restoration services to help people overcome the issues surrounding their missing teeth so they can feel confident in their appearance.

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