Get Eldery Family Members the Help They Need by Contacting Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys in Hollywood, FL

by | Dec 1, 2015 | Lawyers

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When an elderly family member is placed in a nursing home, it’s usually assumed this is done for their benefit. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse can and does occur. When this happens, a person will want to contact one of the nursing home abuse attorneys in Hollywood, FL as soon as possible to find out what their options are and how they can help their family member. Nursing home abuse can come in a few different forms.

Physical Abuse and Neglect

This happens when an elderly person is not cared for properly or they are hit, kicked, or otherwise injured because of their caregiver’s actions. In these cases, it’s imperative the elderly person is moved to a new home as quickly as possible and evidence is collected if their relative wants to call the police or sue the nursing home over the abuse. Evidence can be photographed or found in hospital bills and doctor visits that show the abuse.

Financial Abuse

This occurs when someone is stealing from the elderly person. They might be overcharged for their services, charged for services they never received, or money can be stolen directly from their bank accounts. In these cases, the family member is going to have to be vigilant to be sure this isn’t occurring and, if they do notice something out of the ordinary, take the steps to protect their family member from further financial abuse. Again, this might be done through the courts or by calling the police. Evidence of this type of abuse is usually noted through bank statements as well as by comparing the services they’re billed for against services they receive.

Anyone who suspects their family member is being abused can contact one of the nursing home abuse attorneys in Hollywood, FL to find out more about what their options are for helping their relative. They can find out how to collect evidence of the abuse and discover how they can help stop the abuse immediately. They can also learn whether or not they should contact the police about the matter. If you suspect a family member in a nursing home is being abused, Click Here now for more information.

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