One of the most important lessons in life should be planning for the unexpected things in life. If you happen to own a considerable amount of property, you will want an arrangement whereby all those you care about getting your property, the way that you would have wanted it to be. Therefore, it is important to note that it can never be too early in life to hire an attorney for Estate Planning in Bremerton WA. Here are some of the things you need to know about estate planning law. What happens when you die without a will?
There are many people that are going through life without a written document that indicates how they would have liked their property to be distributed among the people they love. In case you happen to die without a will, the first next step that lawyers will take is try to figure out whether you set up a trust for the children. If there is a trust in place, the property will be distributed according to it. However, problems come in when there is part of your property that is not in the trust.
In a case where there is no will and no trust, the lawyers will try their best to distribute the property in the manner that they think most fair. The biggest issue with things being done in this manner is that at times, members of the family may get dissatisfied with the outcome. This leads to endless battles among the family members. When there is a will in place, the family members will have to be content with what you allotted them, and will only contest the will in serious cases of poor judgment.
In cases where you do not have any immediate family surviving you, the government will try to look for distant relations. Some states will go up to the first or second cousin. In case they cannot trace any of these people, your property will end up as government property.
These are some of the complications that come from ignoring timely Estate Planning in Bremerton WA. If you want to be ready for the worst, visit Bennett Moran & Gianneschi Attorneys and organize what matters most to you.