As much as you may have needed one or both of your knees replaced, you still might struggle with the intense discomfort from your surgery. You may find it difficult to get through a typical day without you having to take your prescription painkillers.
However, you may wonder what are common methods for managing chronic pain without relying solely on pain medications. You can get answers to this type of question and also receive care that lessens your discomfort when you visit with a chiropractor after surgeries like a knee replacement in Richmond, VA.
Learning New Exercises
Receiving care in your provider’s office is one aspect to feeling better. However, you may want to continue your therapy at home to help you heal faster.
Your chiropractic provider may teach you exercises that you can do at home to help heal your knees and ease your discomfort. These exercises may also help you build resistance and strength in these joints so you avoid having to take pain medications to feel better.
Your provider can also answer what are common methods for managing chronic pain accurately. You avoid having to rely on well-meaning but perhaps inaccurate information from your friends or relatives as you heal.
You can find out more about getting this type of care after a knee replacement in Richmond, VA online. To set up a consultation with a chiropractor, reach out to QC Kinetix (Stony Point). View Testimonials.