Getting the Right Bakery Equipment

by | Dec 12, 2018 | Business

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In the Cody, WY area, running a bakery can be simultaneously exciting and profitable, especially if baking is one of your personal passions. The most important step in turning passion into profit is making sure you get the right bakery equipment.

The Ovens

As you’re likely aware, not all ovens are the same. Even though you can probably bake a wide variety of different things using a “regular” oven, there are certain advantages to getting some of the more specialty ovens.

Rotating rack ovens are often used by bakeries that produce a lot of baked goods. These ovens are necessary because of the sheer volume of things that have to be baked at the same time. They work very well for many different kinds of bread as well as bagels.

Convection ovens make use of the fan technology to properly spread hot air throughout the oven. This makes it so everything inside can bake in a much more efficient manner because of the increased exposure to the essential hot air. If you need to efficiently and quickly bake cakes, pies, or cookies, convection ovens may help you get the job done right. They are typically best for bakeries that don’t have to mass produce a lot of product.

Revolving tray ovens are known for their versatility. They consist of trays that are inside the baking area. These trays spin as a carousel turns. The way everything moves can be adjusted even to allow you to bake different types of goods at the same time.

The Mixers

A mixer is almost as important as the oven, and many bakers would say that the right mixer makes all the difference.

Spiral mixers make use of the spiral mixing arm. In addition to the arm, there is a bowl that is designed to rotate. The proper use of these two elements makes it so the mixing process does not over-mix the dough, which can damage the finished product.

Planetary mixers are designed to mix in the same way a human baker would mix. Many people would argue that this is a more natural way and therefore creates more natural results. For this reason, bakeries in the Cody, WY area are wise to have this type of mixer in their arsenal of bakery equipment.

Visit Brink Inc. Sales and Service for all of your bakery equipment needs. You can get more info at or over the phone at 1-800-283-4923.

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