Politely referred to as wastewater, sewage is created every time a toilet is flushed, a shower taken, or dishes washed. In rural areas where public sewer systems are not feasible, homes and businesses rely on private sewage treatment means known as septic tanks. Having a septic tank means that at some point in time, the services of a Commercial Septic Tank Pumping River Falls WI will be needed. It is estimated that over one-third of homes in the United States have septic systems.
A septic system is made up of a septic tank and a drain field. Septic tanks are large concrete tanks with a capacity of about 1,000 gallons, buried on the homeowners property. When the water from the toilets, sinks, shower/tub, washing machine and dishwasher leave the home, it’s combined. Once it enters the tank, it begins to separate. Substances that are lighter than water, like fats, oils, and proteins, float to the top, forming what is called the scum layer. Heavier particulates, like solid waste, sink to the bottom, forming the sludge layer. The middle layer is called the effluent or gray water, and contains bacteria, nitrogen and phosphorous.
Septic systems are designed so that the effluent is released into a drain field. A drain field pipe is about 4-inches in diameter and is buried in a trench that is lined with gravel. The pipe is perforated, allowing water to be released, after which it is absorbed and filtered by the ground. Because the effluent is rich in nutrients and fertilizers, it functions as fertilizer. The grass truly is greener over the drain field.
Even with the best performing septic systems, sludge and scum layers accumulate over time. It is in the homeowner’s best interest to contact a Commercial Septic Tank Pumping River Falls WI contractor, like Ron’s Sewer Service Inc. before problems arise. Without routine septic tank inspections and pumping, the system can overflow. When this occurs, sewage backs up into toilets and drains. Alternately, the drain field is suddenly flooded with unprocessed waste.
The frequency for inspections and pumping varies from home to home and is primarily dependent on factors such as the size of the home and the number of occupants and toilets. A conservative time frame for septic tank pumping is every 1-3 years. A Commercial Septic Tank Pumping River Falls WI can measure your scum and sludge levels to determine if pumping if necessary, browse website for know more.