Helping Facility Owners Keep Pests Out of Self Storage in Baltimore

by | Oct 6, 2017 | Storage

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When someone rents self-storage in Baltimore, certain features are imperative. For instance, high-level security is a must. After the person finds a place that has excellent protection against would-be thieves and vandals, another potential type of invasion must be considered and prevented. That is any infestation by bugs or rodents that could cause damage to belongings or, possibly, spread disease.

The Facility’s Methods

A company providing self storage in Baltimore puts forth substantial effort to make sure no units are affected by pests like mice, rats, silverfish, or roaches. They use various kinds of rodent and bug traps inside and around the building and may do some targeted pesticide spraying if necessary. Nevertheless, sometimes, people renting storage sabotage those tactics. When somebody makes plans to move things into a unit, it’s important to understand which items easily attract unwanted critters.

No Perishables

For example, perishable food items generally do not belong in storage units even for a day or two. The only exception might be items like cereals or grains packed in sealed metal containers. Hard plastic totes are popular for storing various items, but little creatures with sharp teeth can gnaw right through those containers. Attempting to store cereals, grains, seeds, pet food, and food for birds in any type of hard plastic or bagged packaging is asking for trouble.

Canned Goods

Storing canned goods is okay, as there is no way for the pests to gnaw through metal or glass. This is only recommended in climate-controlled units if the food will be kept there during hot weather or in the winter when temperatures dip below freezing.

Concluding Thoughts

Rodents and insects cause a lot of damage in addition to chewing through containers and chomping up all the food. Mice make nests in fabric, including pillows and mattresses. Silverfish eat practically anything that once was plant-based, including cardboard, books, and linen. The best solution is to make the unit at a facility like S&E Mini Storage as unattractive to these pests as possible by keeping immediate food sources out of it. Visit the website to learn about the features of a self-storage facility.

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