Helping Your Child Custody Law Attorney in Oahu Deal with Your Custody Case

by | Sep 30, 2015 | Lawyers

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When dealing with a custody case, a parent has to do everything in his or her power to help the child custody law attorney in Oahu that was hired to handle the case. So what exactly must a parent learn about helping with a custody case? First, all orders issued by the court should be followed. Sure, there are times when court orders aren’t exactly fair to parents definitely causing frustration and anger, but it’s important to keep emotions in check so that attorneys can do their jobs. Disregarding court orders doesn’t do anything but make parents look bad in the eyes of the court.

A parent can also help a child custody law attorney in Oahu in other ways. Parents shouldn’t involve new girlfriends or boyfriends in the lives of their children while they are going through custody battles, meaning that new flames shouldn’t be spending the night while a parent has children with them. New relationships can cause children to become upset and they may even speak out in court against parents who are in new relationships. Also, the court may question the judgment of parents who bring people they just met around their children, because when it comes to child custody, what a judge thinks about a parent’s judgment is really important.

Little mistakes can sometimes affect custody cases. What if a parent gets a ticket and is also cited for a child not wearing a seat belt? What if a parent doesn’t have a child in a booster seat and gets a ticket? What if a child gets hurt while at the playground with a parent? Anything that the opposing side can use for ammunition will be used; hence, parents who are in custody battles have to pay attention to every little detail in their lives. Also, a careless post on social media can negatively affect a case, so parents might want to avoid social media until all custody matters have been ruled on.

A parent who is going through a divorce or ending a relationship needs to visit the website of a qualified custody lawyer if children are involved in the situation. Even if things seem peaceful now, they might not stay that way in the future. Legal advice can only help in custody matters.

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