Hire An Attorney For Nursing Home Neglect Cases

by | May 31, 2014 | Lawyer

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The adjustment from home living to the nursing home lifestyle can be a nerve-wracking process for the elderly. Unfortunately, at some nursing homes, patients are neglected and living in unfair conditions. Elan Wurtzel is an attorney for nursing home neglect cases, and he can help patients stand up for their rights as human beings who deserve to be treated fairly. If suspicious of elder abuse or neglect, contact Wurtzel for his assistance and assessment of your situation.

Elan Wurtzel protects elders and typically handles cases involving elder abuse, bedsores, fall injuries, and nursing home neglect. Elder abuse can manifest in many different forms- physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, or financial. The most frequent types of neglect are personal hygiene and needs neglect. Reports on medical neglect continue to rise at a frightening pace. Needs neglect is possibly one of the most overlooked of the three, however. Needs neglect encompasses issues related to nutrition and hydration. Patients who do not have access to these basic needs is a growing and unacceptable problem. In many cases, management regulators have reported that they were unaware of these ongoing issues within their facility to avoid personal repercussions.

Nursing home abuse is not the sole location for elder abuse. Private solicitors of elderly care who visit the elderly to provide services can be found as equally guilty of elder neglect. Caregiver abuse charges are serious felonies, and the attorneys at Elan Wurtzel are there to help patients and families take action to stop this type of ongoing abuse. This law office is dedicated to providing a voice for the victims of nursing home and caregiver negligence.

The idea of elder abuse is perhaps one of the most disturbing attributes of the aging society. The law offices of Elan Wurtzel has a history of rendering case settlements and verdicts. The experienced attorneys can help provide understanding of the law to families and support during a difficult time. The realization that a loved one is being abused is a hard fact to face for many, but Elan Wurtzel can provide justice in the face of this quiet, but persistent, force within the nursing home business world. Do not let another case of elder abuse or neglect go unnoticed. By reporting a crime committed against a loved one, others may be saved too.

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