Hire Legal Separation Lawyers in Ottawa, KS for Fast Results

by | Dec 20, 2017 | Lawyers

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The key difference between legal separation and divorce is that when you choose to be legally separated, you are still legally married but simply spending time apart in separate households. If you should choose to get divorced, you will still need to file and then follow through with the necessary steps to receive a completed divorce from your spouse and the settlement which may follow. Legal separation lawyers ensure you have a faster and easier experience by helping you navigate the process without undue emotional strife.

Opposing Divorce

Legal separation lawyers in Ottawa, KS are often called upon by those who wish to separate from their spouse but are opposed to pursuing divorce for moral or religious reasons unique to the individuals in each case. To learn more about your legal options regarding this type of separation, you need only contact us at your convenience to book a consultation to look over the details of your case with one of our experienced professionals. This will allow you to separate from your spouse without filing and completing a divorce at any point.

Receive Benefits

As long as they remain legally married, each spouse is eligible for the other spouse’s health care or insurance benefits for the foreseeable future. This may be one reason some individuals contact legal separation lawyers in their area. They no longer wish to stay with their spouse, but they do need to maintain their access to medical care. There are simply some benefits to remaining married which single or divorced individuals can not share, such as affordable shared health insurance and other benefits offered by the government for any number of reasons or physical conditions. A legal separation may be the best course of action if you must consider your financial situation before your romantic situation.

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