How a Child Birth Injury Lawyer in New London, CT Can Help Ease Your Pain and Suffering

by | Aug 28, 2017 | Articles

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Medical malpractice lawsuits are springing up all over America, as people are looking for ways to ease the pain and suffering caused by the negligence. There are many ways in which medical negligence can emerge from a particular practice. A child birth injury lawyer in New London, CT helps clients find legal relief from the injuries caused by injuries sustained because of a physician’s negligence.

The Horror of Child Birth Woes

Having a child can be a harrowing experience for the parents, as sometimes, children are born with defects or even dead. Many parents have suffered from children who have abnormalities or illnesses as a result of the doctor’s failure to do their job efficiently. The intense pain of a mother who carried her child to full-term only to have the child born dead cannot begin to be understood. If the health care practitioner is at fault, they need to be held accountable.

Dealing with the Time Limit of a Personal Injury Lawsuit

In Connecticut, if the parent wishes to file a personal injury lawsuit against a doctor for malpractice, there is a time limit of two years from the date of the incident. Of course, there is the factor that the two years might not start until the malpractice was actually discovered. It is important that the plaintiff acts upon this statute of limitations as soon as possible.

The Modified Comparative Fault Rule

In some cases, the doctor’s attorney may actually try to prove that the mother was negligent in her part of the care of the unborn child. The attorney may make a case that the mother was also at fault, and the modified comparative fault rule would be applied. This means that if the plaintiff is found to be more than 50% at fault, no damages will be awarded.

An Attorney Who Will Help

Stephen M. Reck is an attorney in the New London, Connecticut area who helps clients with medical malpractice cases such as child birth injuries. For anyone in need of a child birth injury lawyer in New London, CT, the attorney is available.

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