When you determine that it is time to file for divorce, you may feel distressed and completely alone. Chances are, you are confused and feel a bit uncertain about your future. Some people also report feeling stressed and overwhelmed due to the “messy” legal case that is sure to follow. Fortunately, a divorce attorney in Chicago can relieve a bit of your stress by being by your side and assisting you throughout the entire process.
If you feel completely alone, you certainly shouldn’t; nearly half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. You should not feel ashamed. There are many reasons when divorce is a better option, especially in cases of abusive marriages, infidelity, etc. Perhaps, the main reason for divorce is that you have grown apart and no longer share the same values and aspirations for the future. Regardless of your reasoning for the divorce, it is important to hire a divorce attorney in Chicago to ensure you understand what you are entitled to within the marriage.
When a couple has money that needs to be divided, the overall divorce process can become even more stressful, especially if your spouse is not being compliant. Your attorney will need to know everything about your finances; where the money comes from each month, how much money is in savings and checking accounts, any investments that you have, etc. This same concept is true in regards to debt. The last thing you want is to end up paying credit card debt that was largely accumulated due to your spouse’s spending habits. Things of this nature are important to discuss with your attorney to ensure you do not end up with an unfair amount of debt once the divorce is finalized. If you have any questions about finances and how the division should work, you should not hesitate to ask your attorney for advice and recommendations.
Any divorce attorney in Chicago will tell you that no divorce is easy or simple, especially if you have children. When children are in the mix, it is vital that you hire an attorney that is understanding and sensitive to your needs and wishes. Filing for divorce is not an easy thing to do, and can cause harsh feelings among extended family members. As a result, it is important that you have a support person that you can lean on.
If you are in need of a divorce attorney in Chicago, it is best to visit Michael Craven to file for divorce.