Chicago accident lawyers are also known a personal accident lawyers. These skilled legal professionals deal with civil or tort cases that involve some type of mishap where an innocent party was injured to one extent or another. It is normal for personal accident lawyers to specialize in certain types of torts which might be automobile accidents, medical malpractice, slip and fall or any of the myriad of ways a person can be injured. Many accident lawyers waive their fees, receiving instead an agreed upon percentage of the compensation that they win for their clients.
Chicago accident lawyers advocate for people who have experienced some type of injury which is directly related to the inappropriate action or the lack of action taken by another person or entity. An accident lawyer that specializes in vehicle accidents for example will work diligently to secure adequate compensation for his or her client; this compensation includes lost income, medical and drug costs, rehabilitation expenses and any other expenses that the injured party incurred as a result of the accident. This field of law often sees the lawyer pitted against insurance companies, corporations and individuals that try to avoid settling with the injured party for these types of expenses.
There is a host of situations where injuries may take place and the injured party is free of blame. It is not unknown for a child in the neighborhood to be attacked and bitten by a neighbor’s dog, should this happen the parents of the child can reasonably expect that they should not shoulder the expenses associated with this attack and that all out of pocket costs will be settled by the dog’s owner or the insurance company that represents the owner.
Chicago accident lawyers may focus their attention on class action suits. For example, a drug company may send a prescription drug to market which proves to have a debilitating side effect. The lawyer’s task in a case like this is to make sure that the people who took this drug and suffered from serious side effects will have money available that can be used to compensate them for rehabilitation, other medical expenses, lost income, etc.
Injury lawyers can be brought in to represent any individual who has been harmed physically or mentally as a direct result of an act of negligence or an intentional act by another party. The lawyer will seek, on behalf of the client, appropriate compensation to offset the costs, pain and suffering that are a result of the act.
There are many ways in which a person can be injured. In the event you are injured due to negligence you have the right to hire Chicago accident lawyers and sue for compensation. Click here to contact Shea Law Group for information.