How Can A Marriage Counseling Therapist Help Save Your Marriage?

by | Jun 27, 2022 | Health

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Marriage is a work in progress regardless of how many years have passed. Things will happen and situations will arise that will shake the foundation of the marriage. The next step will be up to the couple—do they want to work on the marriage or take the easy way out?

Here is hoping that married couples will go with the first option to work on their marriage, but how? – By talking with a marriage counseling therapist in Newport Beach CA. A marriage counseling therapist will assist the couple to talk about their marital problems in a calm manner in order to resolve them and move on. Some of the issues a marriage counseling therapist in Newport Beach CA can help you and your partner through include:

1. Remarriage

Partners who have been divorced and have married for a second time might fear that their second marriage to succumb to the same fate as their first one. This constant fear of falling out of love may put their current marriage in jeopardy.

To work through the fear, the couple might need to consult with a marriage therapist to assist them to look past these problems. However, therapists recommend that couples marrying for the second time should seek their services before they say their “I Dos,” to make a smoother transition into a new marriage.

2. Mental Health Issue

One of the partners may suffer from a mental health issue such as anxiety, depression, or some other disorder. Their mental health issue may create unnecessary issues in the marriage such as fights and mood swings. In order to help the couple cope with the issues resulting from one partner’s mental health disorder, the therapist will help them work out a solution to deal with it.

3. Grief

When a couple grieves a miscarriage, the passing away of a parent, or a loss of a child, it shatters them. If grief is causing distress in your marriage, before the marriage completely falls apart, visit a marriage counselor in Newport Beach CA.

4. Physical Health

When one partner becomes ill and their illnesses puts them out of work, all the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the healthy partner. This may create a rift in the marriage, as the other partner may not be able to deal with the added responsibilities of working, taking care of the ill partner, looking after the children, if any, and paying the bills of the house. With the help of the marriage counselor, the couple can effectively address the problems.

5. Unfaithfulness

Unfaithfulness is perhaps one of the most common reasons couples visit a marriage counselor. The marriage counselor can help the couple gain trust for each other again and discuss the issues associated with the affair.

Marriages that have hit a rough patch should not see divorce as the only answer to work things out. Contact Dr. Jeanne Michele for booking & information.

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