How Can Endodontic Therapy in Wichita Help You?

by | Mar 24, 2014 | Dentist

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Root canal treatment is a treatment of the internal areas of the tooth, namely of the zone occupied by the pulp (otherwise the nerve tissue of the tooth). In the parlance of the tooth pulp is called the “nerve”. The pulp is made from blood, lymphatic vessels, nerves and loose connective tissue. Any tooth pain that you feel should not be ignored and you should seek Endodontic Therapy in Wichita immediately.

What is a root canal?
Anatomically, a tooth consists of a crown and root. The crown is the part that is above the gum, and the root is deep in the jaw bone. Neurovascular bundles enter the tooth at the very top of its roots. The root canal is located from the pulpal nerve chamber (cavity which is located in the center of the tooth) across the entire length of a tooth.

Why treat root canals?
Pulp (nerves), reacts in response to inflammation. The main cause of inflammation of the nervous tissue is cavities. With the progression of this process and the destruction of the enamel, the bacteria penetrates into the dentin. Deep carious lesions reaching the dentin allows bacteria to penetrate the tooth pulp and cause inflammation of the pulp.

Once bacteria penetrates into the dentin, the bacteria begin to actively proliferate. This violates the normal functioning of the tooth and causes the patient discomfort or pain. The organism itself cannot solve the problem because the bacteria destroys not only the tooth, but also its protection system. This means that blood vessels are no longer able to deliver special defense cells to the area.

Purpose of root canal treatment
Endodontic Therapy in Wichita is the cleanup procedure of a root canal (the part that held the original but nervous tissue). Cleaning the root canal is done to eliminate the bacteria which accumulates throughout the process. Thus three goals are achieved:

* Elimination of bacteria that had accumulated inside the tooth;
* Nerve tissue is removed and all other organic wastes that are favorable environment for bacteria; and
* Filled and sealed space in the dental nerve, so that the bacteria has no room for existence.

For more information about endodontic therapy, visit us today.

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