How Do Small Class Sizes Benefit Students at a Charter High School in Gilbert AZ?

by | Nov 12, 2014 | Education And Learning

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When making educational decisions about your children, one of the primary factors should be class size. Smaller class sizes are an important part of education at ALA Schools, and it helps if you understand how small class sizes benefit your children.

Better Parent-Teacher Communication

When there are fewer students in a class, teachers have the opportunity to get to know not only the children they teach, but also the parents. This creates more uniform expectations at school and at home, and allows parents to become more actively involved in their children’s academic careers. Additionally, teachers can reach out to parents as soon as they notice a problem in academics, behavior, or other areas.

Class Participation is More Easily Controlled

In smaller classes, teachers notice when certain students fail to participate in discussions. Not only that, but they can remedy the problem by actively engaging those students so they feel like part of the unit and have the opportunity to make their voices heard. Furthermore, teachers have the time to reach out to students privately to discuss any problems they might be experiencing in the classroom.

Students Get to Know Each Other

Smaller classes are also beneficial when it comes to the social aspect of education. Students get to know each other better because there are fewer of them. They feel comfortable working together and being divided into small groups for projects, studying, and other activities. There are also more opportunities for children to branch out beyond their comfort zones in terms of social circles.

Students Receive Personalized Assistance

Since teachers get to know all their students in smaller classes, they can tailor their approaches to meet each student’s needs. Some students might learn best visually, for example, while others have stronger auditory skills. While one student might need to use repetition to learn facts, another might benefit from reading over notes. When there are fewer students in a classroom, teachers have greater flexibility in their approach to education.

Class size isn’t the only consideration when choosing a Charter High School in Gilbert AZ, but it should play a part in your decision. When students learn in smaller classes, they are better prepared for higher education and they receive more attention from their teachers.




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