There are many areas within a relationship where either or both of a couple will wonder and worry about what is expected of them, particularly emotionally and during any show of intimacy. Couples sex therapy will allow both partners to express their doubts within a safe environment.
Talking Isn’t Always Easy
There are many subjects that are not easy to talk about and when the subject is close and intimate, many partners shy away from discussing these important relationship subjects, often from fear of rejection and ridicule. Couples sex therapy allows you to be guided by an expert who can help take away the initial embarrassment that causes some of the difficulty in completing these conversations.
Of the many senses that exist, touch is a key fundamental between most couples. We learn from early ages that very young children benefit from being touched lovingly by their parents and close relations, in the correct manner and in safe locations.
The touch sense changes considerably when we meet a partner and wish to share lives together. The initial touching phases includes holding hands, hugging during greetings and at other times and then moving on to kissing. Couples sex therapy allows you to discuss reasons why physical intimacy either concerns you or has become noticeably lacking in recent times.
Communicating Through Emotion
Humans interact and communicate heightening levels of emotion. Therapy helps you understand whether the emotions are not completely understood by the other partner. There may have been a breakdown in communication in a completely healthy relationship and discussing the situation with guidance may help you understand how your partner is thinking and feeling, both physically and emotionally.
Your therapist will have been professionally trained and understand the stress and emotions involved with discussing the subjects. They will help guide you towards learning skills that will help combat these difficulties and any others that you may face in the future.