How To Find A Brand Design Agency In India

by | Mar 14, 2016 | Business

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If you’ve decided that your branding should be refreshed, you may consider bringing in an outside company to help, seeing as they have the knowledge and experience necessary to do it right. However, you have many choices open to you because there are many agencies out there, so choosing one can seem difficult. Learning a few tips will help ensure that you find the right brand design agency in India.

Narrowing The Options

You already know that there are many agencies out there, especially if you’ve done a quick internet search. Now, it’s time to narrow down the options to three that you would consider. You may find the perfect match at the very beginning, but you should still get a few more options to compare. Agencies are going to offer different services, have various styles, different quality levels and more. Therefore, you need to make sure you choose one that fits your branding style and image.

Search online, ask for references and try to find the best three options before even talking to them. This will include visiting their website, checking out their portfolios and more.


The branding you choose is your company’s soul, so the visuals, designs and copy you use to represent the business will influence how everyone sees and feels about your brands. Therefore, you want to look at their website and judge them based on that first. If it doesn’t appeal to you, their work won’t, either.

They should offer a portfolio of past work on their site. Look through each one carefully and decide if you like the designs. Did you like their style? Are the designs intuitive? Does the website function well?


Any company has a budget, and most brand design agencies in India will be able to work with you. However, there are some tricks to the trade, which enables you to find the agency that will provide you with the highest quality work based on what you can afford. Smaller budgets can get you a lot of work from smaller agencies, but a bigger one will only give you a few hours.


Branding should be timeless so that no matter how much you grow or who your customers are, they remember you for years. Think of big-name brands you know and use. What have they done in the past and what are they doing now to keep you interested?

Check for agencies that have won awards and look at their portfolio to determine styles.

A brand design agency in India should provide quality work that you can afford. Visit Scion today to learn more.

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