How to Know Your Hand Chain Hoists from Lever Hoists

by | Dec 29, 2016 | Industrial Supplies

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When you know you’re going to need to purchase a hoist for your business, or even for work at home, it is essential to know the difference between hand chain hoists and lever chain hoists so that you purchase the model you need for the job in hand

They Are Both Manual Hoists

Whether you choose a hand chain hoist or lever chain hoist, they are both manual hoists. You are going to have to complete the hoisting work yourself, by hand and not use a motor or power.

You would decide to choose a hand chain hoist if your main use for the equipment is for vertical lifting, whereas lever chain hoists are used for lifting, pulling and positioning. Some models are perfect where there is a low headroom and you will be lifting heavy items within a small workspace.

A Handle or A Lever?

The lever chain hoist has a handle, known as a lever. You work the hoist by cranking the lever up and then down. This powers the ratchet and pawl structure. Each crank of the lever will move the load a specific distance.

Where you are using chain and wire rope hoists, it is easy to move the internal gearing system so that your load can be moved up or down, depending upon your precise requirements.

To attach the load to the chain, you will find a substantial hook, capable of being attached to a hook on the lever block to offer a safe and secure support mechanism.

Where you are unsure about choosing between the hoists, speak to your favorite supplier of these products, ask advice and the best model can be selected for your exact needs. The product provider will ask you how you expect to use the hoist and enquire whether you will need to move the goods vertically or vertically and horizontally.

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