Changing locations, even if it’s for the better, can be a stressful time for animals. In all the chaos and confusion of packing and traveling, pets can become sick, injured or lost. But before you panic and cancel the move, or try to rehome or abandon your animals, consider taking these simple steps to making moving with animals of all shapes and sizes as easy as possible.
Focus on Their Health
When possible, bring your pet in for a veterinary checkup a couple weeks before the move and discuss any concerns you may have about your animal’s anxiety for the move. Some animals may be gently sedated before a trip, but only under supervision and only when directed by a veterinarian. If you’re using a residential moving service to help transport boxes and furniture, keep your pets in the vehicle with you so you can make them as comfortable as possible.
Keep them Safely Contained
Dogs and cats should be in carriers, and wearing secure collars with ID tags and up to date contact information, as well as dates of recent rabies shots. Larger animals should be in crates or trailers with working tail lights and a solid, sturdy construction with no leaks or sharp edges. Smaller animals, such as small reptiles, pocket pets such as rabbits or hamsters, or fish should be kept within their original cages whenever possible, with the water levels lowered to avoid splashing.
Avoid Drastic Changes
For all animals, what is familiar is also most comforting. Bringing food and water from home is a good choice, and slowly mixing the new in with the old can help prevent any nasty shocks or sickness from the sudden change. This goes for all animals, of all sizes, but can especially be important in sensitive or exotic animals as well as with fish. Lastly, give them time and peace to adjust to their new space by placing them in areas with low amounts of activity and noise as well as, when possible, safe hiding places.