Filing for disability can sometimes be difficult because there are so many steps involved and the waiting process can be lengthy. When someone is attempting to file for their benefits, it behooves them to meet with the Social Security Disability Lawyers in Melbourne FL. A lawyer can help a person through each stage in the process.
How Can a Lawyer Help?
When a person files for disability, it is important they properly fill out the paperwork and provide the information that is requested. Making mistakes in filling out the paperwork can lead to denials, so it is important a person receives guidance so they can avoid needless delays.
Disability lawyers know what the Administration is looking for when they review a disability application. They can help ensure their client has the proper medical backing, so they are less likely to be denied. Medical records and letters from doctors are crucial for a disabled person proving they are no longer able to work.
Often, people are denied their benefits even when they are deserving. The law allows them two chances to appeal the decision. The first one is somewhat informal and is a simple request for the Administration to review the application to see if a mistake was made in the decision-making process. The second appeal is more formal and results in a hearing being scheduled.
How to Prepare For the Hearing
Preparing for the appeal hearing is important for all disabled applicants. This hearing takes place before an administrative law judge who will ask questions and review the medical records of the applicant before making a final decision.
The Social Security Disability Lawyers in Melbourne FL will prepare their client for the possible questions they will be asked. It will be fully up to the judge to determine whether or not the applicant receives their benefits.
Schedule Your Appointment
If you are attempting to apply for Social Security Disability and would like legal help through the process, contact Matheson, Horowitz & Devonmille. They will be happy to schedule your appointment so you can get started. Contact them today to begin the process.