Importance of Proper Frac Water Disposal

by | Jun 11, 2014 | Water Filter

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Proper frac water disposal is very important. This is because fracturing mixture is made of 90 percent water. Sand accounts for approximately 9.5 percent. The remaining percent comprises of chemicals in the mixture. Depending on the composition of the fracturing fluid that is mainly water, natural gas and oil companies should come up with appropriate ways of disposing it.

Proper disposal of fracturing water is very important. It ensures that this water has less impact on the local water sources. In addition, it implies that tanker trucks have less tear and wear. Fracturing companies produce water that is found in shale formations naturally. During the life of a well, this water flows continuously to the surface. This water is made of high amounts of solids that are dissolved completely. It also has minerals such as barium, calcium, iron and magnesium. All these dissolve in the water after leaching out from shale.

Some radioactive that occur naturally are also found in this water. In addition, hydrocarbon gases including ethane, methane and propane are present in frac water. Flow-back water refers to water that is used in fracturing shale that usually flows back to the well’s surface. Flow back recovery ranges between 20 percent and 40 percent by volume of the initial amount injected.

Frac water disposal services offer professional disposal solutions to oilfield water. These solutions are very important because they ensure that this water does not flow to the local water bodies causing catastrophic damages. These services can be offered on off-site, on-site or near-site basis. Regardless of the basis on which they are offered, they should ensure that frac water that cannot be recycled is disposed properly and safely.

Frac water can have great impact to the environment and people living around the well. As such, oil companies should be careful in providing disposal services. Today, there are many companies that are currently offering these services. It is imperative to hire disposal services of a firm that is determined to meet specific needs of its client.

A good company can even offer a portable water disposal unit. This can easily be delivered to the well clusters minimizing the risk that the water poses to the environment. In addition, a good company should have professionally trained and experienced specialists to do the disposal. This ensures that every aspect of the disposal process is done professionally and efficiently without posing risk to the environment.

Proper frac water disposal is very important and it should be done professionally. Visit us website for more information on how to dispose this water without posing risk to the environment.

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