Important Things to Know about Hard Cast Lead Bullets

by | Nov 9, 2017 | Industrial Supplier

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If you are an avid shooter or gun enthusiast, you understand the importance of using the right ammo. For example, when you change the size of the powder load, you can alter the effect that the bullet has on its target. However, it’s even more important to choose the right kind of ammo, and that’s why many shooters prefer to use hard cast lead bullets. But what are these bullets and are there things you should be aware of? Let’s take a look and see.

What Does “Hard Cast” Mean?

If you used ammo made from pure lead, you would have a soft and effective bullet. For example, during the American Civil War, the lead Minnie ball became very popular. It was cone-shaped and hollow at the end, and the soft lead allowed expanding gases from the exploding gun power to fill it out against the shallow rifling. It was one of the earliest forms of hollow point bullets and devastating to the human body.

Soft lead worked well for the muzzle-loading muskets of the mid 19th Century. However, pure lead would soon clog modern day rifling and cause a number of problems. This calls for a lead alloy, and that’s where hard cast lead bullets came into being. They contain metals like tin and antimony to make the bullet soft but not too soft.

Shooting Tips

Before using hard cast ammo, make the sure the rifling is cleaned with a lead solvent.

Don’t shoot with a new rifle. Instead shoot the first 20 rounds or so with a quality jacketed bullet.

Avoid shooting hard cast lead bullets with old rifles. It’s easier for lead fouling to occur if the barrel has a lot of wear and tear and imperfections in the rifling.

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