Injured in a Slip and Fall Accident? A Lawyer Will Fight for Fair Compensation

by | Nov 24, 2015 | Lawyer

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Any person that is injured in a Slip and Fall Accident should speak with an attorney. The attorney will review the facts of the case and determine if the person is entitled to file a claim for damages. A person who is injured in a public setting, such as a shop or restaurant, may be able to file for damages if the manager or property owner failed to maintain the premises in a proper manner.

One of three conditions must be met for a property owner to be held responsible for a Slip And Fall Accident. They had to have caused the situation that caused the accident or they had to know about a dangerous situation that someone else caused and ignored it. However, a property owner cannot automatically claim that they aren’t liable because they didn’t cause the situation or know about it. The third condition requires that the property owner takes reasonable care to know about their property and fix unsafe items such as torn rugs. The law also gives them a reasonable amount of time to fix the situation before they become liable.

Usually, a property owner carries insurance to protect them financially if someone is injured due to their negligence. The lawyer will file a claim with the insurance company for damages. These damages can cover any medical expenses related to the injury, lost income, or pain and suffering. The insurance company will do everything possible to minimize the amount of the claim that they will have to pay. Their investigators may try and show that the injured person was not acting properly because customers are expected to use reasonable care when they enter a store. They may also claim that the injury is not related to the fall.

Even if they accept the fact a person was injured and the property owner was liable, they may dispute the extent of the injury or the amount of income lost. The lawyer will produce evidence to support the injured person’s claims. An injured person who believes they were hurt due to a business owner’s negligence can contact Edwards & Bullard Law to have their case reviewed.

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