Injury Lawyer in Palatine – Write It Down

by | Sep 5, 2014 | Lawyer

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If you think you might have a personal injury case and are looking for an injury lawyer in Palatine, then you should probably learn a few tips that will lead to a successful outcome. One very useful and overlooked practice is that of documenting the details of your accident/injury through notes rather than relying on your memory. By the time the case goes to the settlement, arbitration or even trial stage, it could be many months after the incident. To make sure you forget none of the details, don’t commit them just to memory, but also to paper. Browse website for more information.

The Incident: At your earliest convenience after the incident, write down all that you can remember about it. For instance, if it were a car accident, write down where you were going and who was with you. What time of day was it and what was the weather like? Recall the accident in as much detail as possible. Remember what people said right after the accident, be they involved in it or witnesses. This information is too important to commit to memory only.

Injuries Suffered: Besides keeping every record of medical treatment, you need to take notes on what you went through following the accident. Write down exactly what type of injuries you suffered along with the type of pain and discomfort you were in. Did you also experience problems like increased anxiety and loss of sleep? If you file a claim that includes pain and suffering, documenting what you experienced, both physically and mentally, will go a long way in helping your case.

Financial Loss: Besides being paid for your medical bills and property, you may be eligible for compensation dealing with economic loss as well as for pain and suffering. Keep ongoing notes of the financial loss that the incident caused you. Some examples would be how many hours of work you lost due to the accident. Did you lose any job opportunities because of the incident? On the personal side, did you have to miss social functions, family gatherings, vacations, classes, etc? Anything that would have benefited you but was lost due to the incident should be written down. Any Injury Lawyer Palatine will tell you that it’s very important to keep track of these things.

If you’ve had an accident and are looking for an Injury Lawyer, Therman Law Offices Palatine are very experienced in personal injury cases.

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