Interactive whiteboard technology is now becoming more and more popular. It is being deployed in school and college classrooms, as well as in corporate offices. Previously, teachers used to explain their lessons on a conventional whiteboard. The teacher would write whatever they wanted on a white board and then erase it using a simple sponge.
However, the conventional whiteboard restricted learning significantly. For starters, teachers could not display complex images or videos that could help them better explain the lesson. As computers became a powerful source of learning, interactive whiteboard technology was introduced.
How Does it Work?
A projector is connected right in front of a blank surface. The projector projects the desktop of a computer directly on the surface of the board. Using a pen, stylus or simply their finger, the teacher can interact with the image on the board. Typically, the board is mounted on a special floor stand. Using a stylus or his finger, the instructor can simply drag the elements from the board. The lecturer can even write notes by hand. These notes will be automatically converted into text and saved accordingly.
As new and more improved methods of learning have become popular, interactive whiteboards have become more and more popular. The teacher is now capable of integrating different types of media content into their lecture, allowing for much greater variety. However, this technology is still not being used properly today. In many cases, interactive whiteboards are still practically used as glorified blackboards.
Throughout the United States, this type of technology is now commonly used in school systems. However, universities haven’t adopted this technology as quickly as was expected. Originally, interactive whiteboards were designed for business purposes. They are commonly seen in the creative departments of many companies. Not only can they be used for recording meetings, but they are also used for demonstrating newer concepts to the staff.
Given the fact that these whiteboards are incredibly flexible, they can be used for a wide variety of different purposes. The technology can be used for teaching primary school children as well as schooling business executives. Some of the common features available on interactive whiteboards include:
* Adding notes and drawings and then saving them for printing out later. These notes and drawings can be shared by all members of the audience.
* Text can be highlighted using the stylus.
* Annotations can be added as well.
* Content from a web site can be shown directly on the whiteboard.
OnePath Systems offers a wide range of interactive whiteboards that can be installed in classrooms or business conference rooms alike. OnePath is a famous IT company that has received many awards.