Is Sclerotherapy for varicose veins right for you?

by | Dec 21, 2016 | Health

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For individuals who are experiencing varicose veins, there are new options available in this field of medicine. Among these options include liquid sclerotherapy and foam sclerotherapy for varicose veins. Individuals affected by varicose veins can feel very self-conscious on a day-to-day basis. Whether the veins are in a small area of the body or all over the legs, it can be difficult to wear comfortable clothes in the warmer weather when unsightly varicose veins show. Furthermore, varicose veins can cause leg pain, cramps, and swelling of legs. In combination with other treatments, sclerotherapy for varicose veins, you can get the improved appearance you want without invasive surgery.

Improving the appearance and condition of varicose veins without surgery

Sclerotherapy for varicose veins has actually made it easier for individuals with this condition to enjoy a marked improvement in their legs. The treatment was introduced many years in the United States and is used for both men and women successfully. Small reddish and purple veins considered spider veins are treated using a specific injection of a detergent based substance into the veins. Many experienced specialists can perform this treatment option with very positive results for their patients.

A non-invasive and effective technique

Sclerotherapy for varicose veins is a non-invasive method of removing the veins relatively painlessly. In addition individuals can see quick results which makes the process have even more benefits. However although this method has quite a few benefits it is essential that it is performed properly. Finding a trusted specialists who knows how to perform this treatment very well is a guarantee of successful results.

If you are wondering how to get this treatment, all you need to do is make an appointment with your local trusted vein treatment center. There you will be seen by a doctor who knows how to provide this treatment according to the highest standards. It is very important for the ultrasound study of varicose veins to be done with the patient in standing position, while most places , by a huge mistake, perform the ultrasound with patient lying down on exam table (a study that simply should not be trusted) Once the treatment has been completed, you can enjoy fresher and younger looking skin.

Vein Specialty Medical Clinic offers sclerotherapy for varicose veins in both men and women. Find out more about their services when you visit them online at

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