Jewish Preschool in Gaithersburg MD: A Wonderful Educational Choice

by | Aug 5, 2016 | Business

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One of the greatest, most important decisions parents will make for their child is in choosing a preschool to send them to. Both studies and experience have demonstrated beyond all doubt that a child’s entire future learning can be decided within their first four years, when the young brain is most plastic and receptive to new learning experiences. Within those crucial formative years a child not only takes the first steps in learning to read, write, count and draw, but also how to socialize with friends, how to relate with teachers, how to apprehend the world. Both inside and outside the home, a preschool child is being shaped into the kind of person he or she will become in the future.

Shouldn’t the choice for Preschool in Gaithersburg MD include not only the learning needs of the child but also the human values and even the spiritual grounding that can create a whole human being? Shouldn’t that preschool offer a warm, nurturing environment in which the whole child is fashioned both intellectually and emotionally? And especially for persons of faith, shouldn’t the choice of preschool help ground that precious child in the traditions and teachings which have abided within the family for generations past?

B’nai Tzedek offers a complete preschool program which fulfills all those needs, both intellectually and spiritually. Both secular and Judaic spiritual education are freely offered with the object of encouraging creative thinking and imbue a child with a positive enthusiasm for learning. Offering a complete program that includes art, music, and play as well as early scholastic learning, the preschool only spurs the development of a child’s mind and personality. An integrated program of learning in Jewish history and culture helps develop the identity of the Jewish child and teaches other children about the rich heritage and traditions of a faith different than that of their family.

The Laura and Joel Greenzaid Early Childhood Center offers programs for every stage of development, from six-months to four years old. We can take a child right through to the first stages of kindergarden and ready them to take their first steps in a much larger educational world. Contact us today when you are making your choice for a Preschool in Gaithersburg MD for your child.

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