The biggest single operating expense of a trucker is the cost of fuel. Although fuel costs tend to go up and down, in the long run there is only direction the cost per gallon will go and that’s up. This is where diesel fuel additives in Minnesota come in.
It is now the law;
Prior to 2006 there was no cap set on the amount of sulphur that could be in diesel fuel. In 2006 however, the EPA set a standard that mandated that 80 percent of the diesel fuel that was produced in the US or imported from other countries must not have a sulphur content in excess of 15 parts per million (ppm). Prior to this, diesel fuel averaged 500 ppm of sulphur. Sulphur is the element that creates soot which is what the back smoke streaming from diesel exhausts is.
Diesel engines that were produced later than 2006 were fitted with a device that filters the minute particles of soot from the exhaust, this device was not part of engines produced prior to that; owners of trucks that were manufactured before 2006 were faced with a problem. Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) which is the new low sulphur standard has a lower lubricity which simply means that the performance of older trucks will be negatively affected.
This is where diesel fuel additives come in:
Although diesel fuel additives in Minnesota help in a number of ways both environmentally and financially:
Refineries do not use the same additives that are used in fuel additives including an additive that removes water from the fuel. Water in fuel is bad for combustion, fouls the fuel injection system and causes the engine to gum up. The chemistry of water s oxygen and hydrogen, these elements, when combined with sulphur create suplhuric acid, the only way to eliminate water is to employ an additive.
There is also the cost element. Premium diesel fuel can cost 10 to 15 cents a gallon more than standard; diesel fuel additives in Minnesota cost two or three cents a gallon; figure it out.
JKG Fuel Solutions is your source for EnerBurn diesel fuel additives in Minnesota. EnerBurn is a leader in eliminating DPF problems caused by the buildup of soot in the filter.