There’s an easy way to tell if you need Commercial auto insurance in Wichita KS. Do you use your vehicle for business-related dealings that aren’t part of your daily commute? If you answered yes, you might need to think about upgrading your insurance policy. Your policy might not be honored if something happens while you are using your vehicle for something different than what is outlined in your current insurance agreement. Don’t try to skimp on your auto coverage. Insurance companies are very good at finding out if you did something that would disqualify you from making a claim. After all, they are in the business of making money. Handing out money to people who are trying to use basic insurance when they should be using commercial insurance isn’t a good business practice for insurers.
If you feel you need Commercial auto insurance in Wichita KS, contact Andy Woodward Insurance Agency or another quality agency to arrange a consultation. Tell the agent exactly how you use your vehicle. The agent should be able to tell you right then and there if you need to upgrade your insurance policy. Commercial vehicle insurance is a bit more complicated than your might imagine. It can be purchased in a variety of forms. You’ll need different insurance if you don’t do much business. This can be used to cover you for a part-time business that you are hoping to grow. Insurance companies also see some commercial vehicles as higher risks. If you are running a business that requires you to use other drivers to operate your vehicle, make sure you keep up with their driving records.
Keeping up with driving records isn’t easy as you might think. What if you employee gets a few tickets during off hours? How would you know? An employee who knows that his or her job might be in jeopardy if they admit to tickets might not be so forthcoming with you. You might have to run checks on employees every six months to stay on top of things. After all, you don’t want an employee with a suspended license operating any of your commercial vehicles.