Learn More About Breast Augmentation Honolulu HI

by | Oct 17, 2015 | Plastic Surgeon

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One of the biggest areas of concern for women is their breasts. Though most women start off with perky, youthful breasts, they slowly begin to sag over time. Saggy breasts can become more pronounced when a woman becomes pregnant and begins to breastfeed. Though sagging breasts are a problem, there are also some women who simply are not happy with the size and shape of their breasts. Thankfully, breast augmentation can take care of these issues. Women who are interested in Breast Augmentation Chicago IL should read on so they will know what to expect.

Breast augmentation procedures are serious surgeries and should not be entered into lightly. The woman will be placed under general anesthesia which has some risks. It is important a woman goes over any health conditions she has and any medications she takes to ensure the surgery can be carried out as safely as possible. Once the woman is fully under, the surgery will begin with the first incisions.

Before the surgery takes place, the surgeon will discuss with the woman where the ideal incision location is. Incisions can be placed around the areola, in the armpit, and under the fold of the breast. All three of these locations ensure the scar will be barely visible. When the incision has been made, the surgeon will go to work on the placement of the implant.

If a woman is having a saline implant put in place, they will be filled once behind the chest wall. If the implant is silicone, these come pre-filled and are sized before placement. Placement of the implant is generally done behind the chest wall muscle but can also be placed in front of the muscle.

The healing time for breast augmentation takes around six to eight weeks. As the swelling and bruising go away, the woman’s new breasts will be able to be revealed. It is important the patient carefully follows her surgeons instructions for proper healing.

If you are interested in pursuing breast augmentation in Honolulu HI, call The Ferguson Clinic. They will be happy to consult with you so you can learn more about your options.

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