Long Lasting Relief from Back Pain and Arthritis with Rf Ablasion Mustang

by | Jun 18, 2015 | Healthcare

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Lower back and neck pain are something many people experience at some point in their lives. With the astronomical growth in medical technology over the last few decades, chronic pain doesn’t have to be endured. Rf Ablasion Mustang is a pain relief procedure that’s capable of producing the results patients need. It treats pain in the lower back and neck, as well as discomfort from deteriorating soft tissue surrounding joints. Soft tissue that degenerates around the joints creates the condition widely known as arthritis. Rf Ablasion Mustang soothes pain with an electrical current that heats nerve tissue. The current is sent through radio wave signals that ultimately block the nerve signals that respond to pain.

As people get older, the condition of the spine can change, so back pain doesn’t only happen from occupations that require constant heavy lifting or injuries. The vertebrae have annulus which are bands that surround each disc in the spine. With the progression of age, the annulus can get tears and cracks that lead to inflammation. The discs lose water that keeps them soft and spongy, protects the spine, and gives it the ability to resist shock.

Pressure between the discs eventually increases because they become flatter and reduce the space between vertebrae. This explains the process of degeneration. Degenerative changes in the back cause pain when the badly positioned spine presses on nerves. Rf Ablasion Mustang treats the source of the pain by applying heat energy to the nerves. This can be done with injection therapy for the longest lasting relief. Click here for more details.

Pain relief from radio frequency ablasion can last anywhere from six to twelve months, and some patients are free of pain for years. In a consultation, patients find out if they’re good candidates for the treatment and what to expect before, during, and after the procedure. Those getting the procedure for the first time should expect nothing more than mild pain and swelling near the treatment site that lasts for a couple of days. Solid foods shouldn’t be eaten in the six hours before the procedure. The doctor makes temporary adjustments to doses of insulin the day of the procedure for diabetics. Physicians at the office for Longevity Joint Spine Pain give patients all the information they need to know about the treatment plan.

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