Looking at Your Options in Jacksonville, FL for CPR and AHA Certifications

by | May 28, 2024 | Articles

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CPR training is many things to many people. Some go through it as a basic requirement for a job. Others look at it as a way of preparing for potential hard times in the future. But there’s one simple fact about CPR training in Jacksonville, FL. The training opens up the possibility of saving a life.

The first thing that anyone thinking about CPR training in Jacksonville, FL should do is really consider what it means. It’s true that CPR certification in Jacksonville FL will fill in some checkboxes. That’s true whether you want to simply see CPR certification in Jacksonville FL on your resume or in any other area of life. But it’s also important to examine how that happens and what the types of certification mean. For example, you might see both BLS CPR certification in Jacksonville FL and BLS AHA certification in Jacksonville FL as available options.

However, the separation between the two terms is less distinct than you might assume. BLS CPR certification in Jacksonville FL stands for basic life support. This includes defibrillation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation for people of all ages. AHA stands for American Heart Association. And the American Heart Association is the organization in charge of the larger CPR certification. So BLS AHA certification in Jacksonville FL will often refer to the CPR skillset as a whole. In that sense, the CPR certification comes through the AHA which makes them synonymous. You can begin classes and certification through Right Choice CPR Certification.


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