A baby shower is one of the highlights of being pregnant. It is a joy to gather with family and friends to celebrate the new arrival. Planning the perfect shower begins with selecting the venue. It may not be a good idea to have the shower at a private residence. Depending on the guest list, the venue should be spacious so people can be comfortable. The shower should have a special area for gifts and for the guest of honor to sit. Likewise, there should be room for tables if food is served and room to play shower games.
The person planning the shower needs to select a great venue. The venue should go along with the shower theme. Some people want an elegant baby shower while others look for something more casual. Interesting ideas include outdoor showers with a picnic theme and a shower with a luau theme. Possible venues include the fellowship hall of a church or a room at a banquet facility. If one is looking for a Baby Shower Venue in New Lenox IL. visit the website . A country club has a lot of possibilities because the shower can be held inside or outside. First and foremost, a venue should have ample parking for the guests. Likewise, there should be enough restrooms, so everyone is comfortable.
Facilities that rent by the hour can be tricky. The planner needs to schedule the time to decorate and clean up afterwards. The Baby Shower Venue in New Lenox IL may use a contract. The contract has everything in writing including the arrival time, departure and the total cost. If the budget allows, it is easier to have a venue that offers to cater. It can get messy carrying around cupcakes and other food items. It is much more convenient if the venue staff sets up the tables and provides plates, glasses and flat-wear. Indeed, many facilities insist that their staff is used. They do not allow guests to bring food in from the outside. No matter what venue is selected, make sure the shower is memorable. You want the guest of honor to enjoy her day.